Press Release 4
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice Begins Phase Two of ART® ProjectThe State of Alaska initiated the second year of their ambitious vision to provide cognitive behavioral, evidenced based interventions for the youth in its care.Today's Date -- The State of Alaska continued the development of its cognitive behavioral interventions with a five-day training for Trainers of ART® Group Facilitators conducted by Dr. Barry Glick sole surviving co-developer of Aggression Replacement Training® and co-author of the revised edition of the program published by Research Press, Inc. Alaska trained five staff who met the standards and requirements to become Trainers of ART® Group Facilitators while simultaneously training 14 additional staff to become ART® Group Facilitators. The state previously trained 26 staff as ART® Group Facilitators from which the current trainers were selected. Staff from throughout the State, including Bethel, Nome, Fairbanks, Juneau as well as Anchorage (where the training institute was held) attended. Dr. Glick was assisted by Anna Hewitt from St. Paul, MN who is a Master Trainer candidate (see Professional Aggression Replacement Training® Centers link under services for training standards and requirements). Robert Seward, project manager also attended the training and intends to implement the program with youth as well. The State has a vision to reinvent the quality of services provided to its youth in care that includes organizational development, program development, staff development and youth development initiatives, declared Steve McComb, Acting Director of the Division of Juvenile Justice in a meeting with Dr. Glick. Mr. McComb would like to see all staff understand the importance of differential and prescriptive programming for at risk youth and hopes the ART® project is a step in that direction. The project also includes a presentation by Dr. Glick to executive and middle managers in December and a follow up Institute in the Spring of 2007. Dr. Glick will also provide clinical and program supervision to staff on an as needed basis. For More Information Contact: